Video work

Role: Art Director and Producer 2007 - present

I’ve always enjoyed moving image - from the crude stop motion stuff we used to make at university to the more polished stuff I produce now with the help of my talented animator and editor friends, I love collaborating on projects - hit me up if you have an idea.


Highlights showreel

This reel includes a lot of the work I undertook during my time as video art director at Moonpig and also a few projects before that time including music video for Spanish artist Lost Twin.


“Quash the Squash”

Client: The Good Agency on behalf of the RSPCA
Role: Chicken

I ran around London as ‘Irritating Chicken’, defender of animal rights, campaigning for the RSPCA. The aim of the game was to get all up in people’s personal spaces to mimic the close quarters that many chickens sadly have
to endure.

It was a ton of fun but very hot work for an August day! Luckily all the sweating paid off as the government was forced to reject a bill to reduce the space battery-farmed chickens get to live in – making chick-story (sorry)!



Client: Moonpig
Role: Art director / producer

Producing and Art Directing this Christmas video content
for Moonpig was a big project. Understanding the journey
a Christmas tree takes before it lands in your living room.
3 years, and hundreds of people are involved in the process of nurturing a tree to Moonpig’s table-top size. Presenting the idea to the Marketing team, storyboarding and preening, liaising with videographers in Holland, briefing the Illustrator, Animator and Editor. The video gained the most amount of views ever for a piece of Christmas video content for the brand.


Flowers pre-roll

Client: Moonpig
Role: Art director / producer

Attending the new flower campaign shoot and art directing the production of a video piece that would act as a selection of pre-roll YouTube ads. This piece was created via a mix of stop motion and clever After Effects magic, thanks to Andrew Khosravani. Leading Art Director on the project Franz Dureigne.

CFxJo's_gif_prep-3 2.gif

CoppaFeel x JCCT

Client: CoppaFeel & Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust
Role: Art director / Illustrator

In honour of International Women’s Day 2018 CoppaFeel
and Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust approached me to illustrate a piece to encourage women to know their bodies. This featured across both their social feeds and on
their websites to reach as many women as possible.

I used metaphorical objects to represent the body
parts in question to make the design playful yet


Nectar Sleep


40 days 40 heroes